Word: confidante Definition: a person with whom one shares a secret or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it to others. “a close confidante
March 24, 2024
Word: ruefully Definition: in a way that expresses sorrow or regret, especially in a wry or humorous manner. “the actor ruefully remarked that you
March 24, 2024
Weekly Obsession 2023-10-23: Anna Lapwood
I can’t remember the sequence of steps that led me to discovering Anna Lapwood, but I know why I clicked. I’m a fan of any musical artist bold
November 6, 2023
Weekly Obsession 2023-10-02: “Apocalypse Now” and Marlon Brando
It was about time I got around to watching Apocalypse Now, the cult-classic 1979 Viet Nam war film from Francis Ford Coppola that had an equally
October 5, 2023
Weekly Obsession 2023-9-27: Aubrey Logan’s rendition of “MacArthur Park”
Let me set the scene. I just moved to Playa del Ray last week; the apartment is still in desperate need of furniture. I found this really fantastic
October 5, 2023
Weekly Obsession 2023-9-18: Diel vertical migration
Vertical migration of zooplankton in the ocean is something I never knew about until this week! Here’s the wikipedia page about it. This is sooooo
October 5, 2023
January 31, 2023
Transcluded note
This is basically like embedding the entire note rather than creating a link [[quick test of the template format]] ![[quick test of the template
January 31, 2023
Transcluded note
This is basically like embedding the entire note rather than creating a link [[quick test of the template format]] ![[quick test of the template
January 31, 2023
Creating a note from highlighted text
Using Note Refractor you can highlight text in a note and make that text into a new note hot key functionality Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N extract
January 31, 2023
Screenplay fountain example
In order to pull off this shot, you will need the 150-600mm on a tripod probably operated by someone else while you do the talking from afar.
January 31, 2023
Clohessy-Wiltshire Equations
202210112131 I wrote all of this mostly as $$ practice. It took a long time. [!warning] WIP: Write the CW equations in the form of
January 31, 2023
Making a personal website
==I’ve been trying to do this for four years== *** I wanted to make a personal website for myself for applying to colleges. I was daunted by the
January 31, 2023