au courant Word: au courant Definition: aware of what is going on; well informed. “they were au courant with the literary scene” Similar: up to date March 24, 2024 inextricable Word: inextricable Definition: impossible to disentangle or separate. “the past and the present are inextricable” March 24, 2024 macabre Word: macabre Definition: disturbing and horrifying because of involvement with or depiction of death and injury. “a macabre series of murders” March 24, 2024 svelte Word: svelte Definition: (of a person) slender and elegant. “she was svelte and sophisticated” March 24, 2024 apocryphal Word: apocryphal Definition: (of a story or statement) of doubtful authenticity, although widely circulated as being true. “there is an apocryphal March 24, 2024 gauche Word: gauche Definition: lacking ease or grace; unsophisticated and socially awkward. “a shy and gauche teenager” March 24, 2024 neologism Word: neologism Definition: a newly coined word or expression March 24, 2024 furor Word: furor Definition: an outbreak of public anger or excitement. “the article raised a furor among mathematicians” March 24, 2024 epistemology Word: epistemology Definition: the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope. Epistemology is the March 24, 2024 assuage Word: assuage Definition: make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense. “the letter assuaged the fears of most members” March 24, 2024 espalier Word: espalier Definition: a fruit tree or ornamental shrub whose branches are trained to grow flat against a wall, supported on a lattice or a March 24, 2024 gonzo journalism Word: gonzo journalism Definition: a style of reporting that places the reporter at the centre of the story in a highly personal and participatory March 24, 2024 epigram Word: epigram Definition: a pithy saying or remark expressing an idea in a clever and amusing way. a short poem, especially a satirical one, having March 24, 2024 ostinato Word: ostinato Definition: a continually repeated musical phrase or rhythm. “the cellos have the tune, above an ostinato bass figure” March 24, 2024 codicil Word: codicil Definition: an addition or supplement that explains, modifies, or revokes a will or part of one. “Francis has remembered him in a March 24, 2024 busking Word: busking Definition: the activity of playing music in the street or another public place for voluntary donations. “years of busking had taught March 24, 2024 summary judgement Word: summary judgement Definition: A summary judgment is a decision made based on statements and evidence without going to trial. It’s a final March 24, 2024 bawdy Word: bawdy Definition: dealing with sexual matters in a comical way; humorously indecent. “her work is characterized by irreverence and bawdy humor” March 24, 2024 moniker Word: moniker Definition: a name. “his real moniker is Dave Kennedy” March 24, 2024 moralize Word: moralize Definition: comment on issues of right and wrong, typically with an unfounded air of superiority. “the solution to climate change is March 24, 2024 latibulate Word: latibulate Definition: to hide in a corner in an attempt to escape reality OR To hide oneself in a corner March 24, 2024 amiable Word: amiable Definition: having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner. “an amiable, unassuming fellow” March 24, 2024 joie de vivre Word: joie de vivre Definition: exuberant enjoyment of life. “they seem to be filled with joie de vivre” March 24, 2024 adroitly Word: adroitly Definition: in a clever or skillful way. “he managed the evacuation adroitly” March 24, 2024 sitzfleisch Word: sitzfleisch Definition: power to endure or to persevere in an activity; staying power. “I was given tasks which required lots of Sitzfleisch, March 24, 2024 chiaroscuro Word: chiaroscuro Definition: the treatment of light and shade in drawing and painting. an effect of contrasted light and shadow created by light March 24, 2024 fluctuat nec mergitur Word: fluctuat nec mergitur Definition: “he/she is rocked by the waves but does not sink” - latin motto of the city of Paris March 24, 2024 panacea Word: panacea Definition: a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases. “the panacea for all corporate ills” March 24, 2024 prude Word: prude Definition: a person who is or claims to be easily shocked by matters relating to sex or nudity. “the sex was so ambiguous and romantic March 24, 2024 shoshin Word: shoshin Definition: Shoshin (Japanese: 初心) is a concept from Zen Buddhism meaning beginner’s mind. It refers to having an attitude of March 24, 2024 fastidious Word: fastidious Definition: very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail. “he chooses his words with fastidious care” March 24, 2024 astringent Word: astringent Definition: A drying mouthfeel typically caused by tannins, which bind to salivary proteins, causing them to depart the March 24, 2024 accoutrement Word: accoutrement Definition: additional items of dress or equipment, or other items carried or worn by a person or used for a particular activity. March 24, 2024 entourage Word: entourage Definition: a group of people attending or surrounding an important person. “an entourage of bodyguards” March 24, 2024 facsimile Word: facsimile Definition: an exact copy, especially of written or printed material. “a facsimile of the manuscript” March 24, 2024 miasma Word: miasma Definition: a highly unpleasant or unhealthy smell or vapor. “a miasma of stale alcohol hung around him like marsh gas” March 24, 2024 erudite Word: erudite Definition: having or showing great knowledge or learning. “Ken could turn any conversation into an erudite discussion” March 24, 2024 perfunctory Word: perfunctory Definition: (of an action or gesture) carried out with a minimum of effort or reflection. “he gave a perfunctory nod” March 24, 2024 sensibility Word: sensibility Definition: the ability to appreciate and respond to complex emotional or aesthetic influences; sensitivity. “the study of March 24, 2024 faus pax Word: faus pax Definition: an embarrassing or tactless act or remark in a social situation. ““I was suddenly sick in the back of their car”—it was March 24, 2024 terminate with extreme prejudice Word: terminate with extreme prejudice Definition: to exercise a very high level of caution in making a positive identification of the target before March 24, 2024 lien Word: lien Definition: a right to keep possession of property belonging to another person until a debt owed by that person is discharged. “they March 24, 2024 elicitation Word: elicitation Definition: the act of getting information or a reaction from somebody, often with difficulty March 24, 2024 disgruntlement Word: disgruntlement Definition: the condition of being dissatisfied with one’s life or situation March 24, 2024 raconteur Word: raconteur Definition: a person who tells anecdotes in a skillful and amusing way. “a colorful raconteur” March 24, 2024 habitus Word: habitus Definition: the way a person of a particular background perceives and reacts to the world. “depending on their position in a given March 24, 2024 tour de force Word: tour de force Definition: an impressive performance or achievement that has been accomplished or managed with great skill. “his novel is a March 24, 2024 couture Word: couture Definition: the design and manufacture of fashionable clothes to a client’s specific requirements and measurements. “designer March 24, 2024 prosaic Word: prosaic Definition: having the style or diction of prose; lacking poetic beauty. “prosaic language can’t convey the experience” March 24, 2024 mirth Word: mirth Definition: amusement, especially as expressed in laughter. “his six-foot frame shook with mirth” March 24, 2024